Do Industrial Piercings Get Infected Easily?

The Worst Jewelry Types For Industrial Piercings

Industrial piercings have been in existence for as long as 1992, of course, there must have been earlier documentation to prove that they were being done even earlier than that, but this was when its popularity began to slowly spike and gain recognition.

Industrial piercings are an interesting and unique type of piercing where two piercings on the ear are connected using a straight barbell. It can also be referred to as a construction piercing or scaffold piercing.

When you first get a piercing, it is as good as an open wound until it heals completely. Just like wounds are prone to infections except treated properly, piercings are also at risk of getting infections if there are not well cared for until a full recovery is made.

Infections on piercings usually look red and swollen and they feel itchy, sore, and tender as well. As a result of bacteria that you expose your new piercings too, infections are likely to develop.

Industrial piercing guide
Image: Etsy.

Do industrial piercings get infect easily?

An industrial piercing unlike several other types of piercing is a two-in-one piercing because two holes are perforated at the same time and connected by a piece of jewelry known as a barbell. Naturally, all piercings are prone to infections but when there are two piercings, the risks of getting an infection are automatically higher.

Industrial piercings also fall under cartilage piercings, a type of piercing that rests on cartilage, in this case, it is the cartilage located on the ears it rests on.

Cartilage piercings take longer to heal because the skin there is rigid and has less blood flow around it to help stimulate faster healing. This slower healing process makes them more prone to infections because they remain tender and as wounds for longer than other piercings usually would.

One of the piercings that makes an industrial piercing rests high on the ear and is close to the hair, this is another reason for which it is easily prone to infections.

Your hair can easily brush against your piercing and rub off excess oil from your hair products, leave dirt on it, or get tangled with the barbell (jewelry for industrial piercings). All of these could cause irritation and eventually lead to infection for the piercing.

Handling industrial piercing infections

If you begin to notice signs or symptoms such as swelling that causes you a lot of discomforts, continuous heat or warmth surrounding your piercing, a feeling of overwhelming pain, constant and a lot of bleeding, the release of pus from your piercing, a growing bump on either side of the piercing, or you develop a fever, then you need to visit your piercer or a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

industrial piercing guide

You can avoid getting infections while your industrial piercing heals by making sure your hair is properly washed and always kept clean, avoid wearing caps or hats that rest tightly or uncomfortably on your ears.

Be careful not to get hair products on your ear while applying it to your hair, put your hair in styles that are less likely to brush against your ears, make use of earbuds and not headphones or earphones that would rub against your ear, wear your shirts slowly making sure that it does not brush past your ear and get snagged on your jewelry.

You should make sure you change your bedsheets and pillowcase at least once a week as long as your industrial piercing is still healing.

How to clean industrial piercings to avoid infections

Since the risks of getting an infection are higher because an industrial piercing has two perforations that require healing, it is important that you take the aftercare procedures for industrial piercings very seriously to avoid developing an infection while it heals.

Below are the aftercare procedures necessary to be taken to keep your industrial piercings clean and clear of infections ;

1. Start with clean hands

You must make sure your hands are clean before touching your piercing; before you touch your piercings, especially in a bid to clean them, you would also need to properly clean your hands.

Wash your hands with soap and rinse them with hot water, wash and rinse them thoroughly for at least twenty minutes to ensure that no germs are transferred from your hands to your piercing.

2. Clean up

Clean your piercing with a saline solution or a DIY salt and water mixture; you can get a saline solution from your piercer’s saloon or you can make a DIY salt and water mixture in the comfort of your home.

You can simply make your saltwater mixture by mixing salt in a container of boiling water and waiting for it to be warm before using it. With either the saltwater mixture or saline solution, clean your piercing twice or thrice daily without fail.

3. Watch the piercing

Make sure your piercing dries properly before touching it; after cleaning your piercing with the saline solution or saltwater mixture you would need to wait for it to dry completely before touching it.

Do not try to dab a cloth or towel on it while it dries, also make sure that you do not touch your piercing while it’s wet, allow it to air dry


Industrial piercings are a fragile type because it consists of two piercings in one, it is prone to infections more than others but this does not mean you can not avoid getting an infection while your industrial piercing is healing.

You simply need to adhere to the aftercare procedures and make sure your hands, hair, clothes, and surroundings are clean at all times. If you notice that any of the symptoms mentioned above earlier, you need to contact or visit your piercer as soon as possible.

Infections are not to be toyed with, while you may think you can easily get rid of them at home, it is best to seek professional help to avoid your body completely rejecting the piercing.

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